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GraphQL Foundation Monthly Newsletter April 2021

GraphQL Foundation Monthly Newsletter April 2021

by GraphQL Foundation

GraphQL has redefined how developers work with APIs and client-server interactions. And as the community works hard to foster the growth and adoption of GraphQL, we are excited to share the work of the community and discussions via the monthly GraphQL Foundation newsletter.

GraphQL reached new heights in 2020 and is only poised to continue its meteoric rise in 2021. Thank you again for your involvement in this project and your support of the GraphQL Foundation. We are excited for another productive year!

Working Group Updates

GraphQL Foundation marketing committee

The newly created GraphQL Foundation marketing committee is responsible for coordinating marketing activities in support of the Foundation and the projects. They meet regularly, and welcome participation from Foundation and community members.

The meeting agendas and minutes are open and available in meetings/. We generally meet on the fourth Thursday of the month at 9am PT. To be added to the recurring invite, please contact operations@graphql.org.

Spec cut

There are few more final phase proposals still waiting on review, as well as updating the version of the legal text). The next step will include having the TSC take a formal vote to cut the draft.

TypeScript migration for GraphQL.js

Representing almost 6 million downloads per week. TypeScript is in need of additional clean up, including GraphQLList and GraphQLNonNull. The WG decided to drop Flow types, and have a PR for converting to TypeScript. The plan is to incorporate the fixes into the main release, which is very close to being done. Once finished, it will be added to release 16.0.0-alpha.1. Once that is complete it will merge the PR and convert to TypeScript.

Adding descriptions to queries and fragments

The purpose of this discussion is to add necessary comments for various business use cases. As of now we have to parse SDL data and it’s problematic when people add other comments. The WG is working on the best way to solve this issue.

Schema introspection extensions

First implemented by GraphQL Java,then some issues were found and it was discovered there was some additional work to be done before turning it into an RFC. The Working Group is planning to address these issues shortly.

In Other News…

Upcoming Events

  • Hasura Con ‘21: The Big Hasura User Conference The 2021 installment of Hasura Con will take place on June 23rd and 24th. The event brings together users from all over the world to celebrate all things Hasura and will feature top-notch speakers and workshops. Sign up today to attend Hasura Con ‘21 or submit a talk proposal to share your knowledge at the event.

Get Involved!

Developers can get involved in the community and contribute to the project at https://github.com/graphql.

Organizations interested in becoming members of the GraphQL Foundation or the GraphQL Specification can learn more on our member page. If you have questions about membership, please send an email to membership@graphql.org.